Help through Barter

Help through Barter is an original program of Help the Hippie

Unlike other charitable organisations that expect people to give donations to them and give back nothing in return (except maybe for a thank you note).
Help the Hippie with the Help through Barter program is different.

Here is  how Help thru Barter works. You have work that needs to be done and either you do not have the time, enough money or manpower or people to do it. How we are able to help is to give a fair estimate on the work needed to be done, and then barter for goods (see our Wish List  for examples) and perhaps a reasonable fee, thensettle on a contract benificial to you as well as Help the Hippie.

It's that simple, just e-mail Help the Hippie and let us know what you have to offer and the kind help that you need. We will then contact you to negotiate a deal that is beneficial to both parties.

The bottom line is that you receive the service that you need in exchange for your donation to Help the Hippie.

Also, as Help the Hippie is not out to make a profit or to line our pockets donations may be tax deductible.

So, what are you waiting for?
Here is all that you need to do...

It's that simple!!!!!

Here are some of the services that Help the Hippie has to offer;

These are just a few of the ways we can help you help us....